Thursday, May 10, 2012

Provision Opens the Door

Ilustration: Provision Opens the Door

Allah SWT has prepared all human needs; even all the needs of His creatures. None of the creatures of Allah unless Allah has prepared and what the purposes and needs. All it takes is effort and effort to pick up food in a way that he outlined. In this case Allah has outlined a number of doors for people to obtain a lawful sustenance and blessings.
A Muslim must not be silent, sit on my hands. Should not be the reason he wanted to focus on worship lazy to work and earn a living for his family. It should not be also the reason tawakal he just sat there waiting for sustenance.
Ensure the provision of a creature of Allah, let alone human sustenance. Only, Allah also has required people to work and try to chase the deer. Beg and beg the people, while himself still strong and able to work is a disgrace that is reprehensible in religion. Conversely, anyone who want to work and use the potential that Ahlla has given him, he will receive the appreciation in his hand.
"Who are halal earning a living to keep himself from begging, to meet family needs, and to share with a neighbor, then he came on the Day of Resurrection with a face like the moon on full moon nights." (HR Thabrani).
Prophet Muhammad also taught to anyone who wants to show his tawakal to Allah by looking at the birds that fly trying to get his fortune. "If you put their  trust in Allah is true,  Allah will give sustenance to you as He gives sustenance to the birds. Bird go (flying) in time morning within condition empty stomach and re-with stomach who of satiety. "(HR Tirmidhi).
Faith and fear of Allah to execute his commands and avoid His prohibitions. "If people of the faith and fear, of course, We opened for them blessings from the gates of heaven and earth." (Surat al-A'raf: 96). Allah also befirman in ath-THALAQ QS: 3.
Further to seek forgiveness. The easy way, but it requires a strong belief and faith is to seek forgiveness and ask for His forgiveness. "So, I tell them, 'Ask forgiveness of your Lord, surely He is Oft-Forgiving. He will send to you with heavy rain. He will augment wealth and your children. And He will bring you gardens and rivers. "(Surah Nuh: 10-12).
Then, multiply the charity. Charity will not reduce the property, otherwise it will grow. Because, that way it will keep falling and provoke Allah sustenance. "No property was reduced because of charity." (Tirmidhi).
Next is her friendship. "Who would want to Relieve sustenance and extended (blessed) his age, should connect the rope friendship." (Muslim).
And the latter is to multiply the prayer to Allah. Prayer is the weapon of the faithful. Human beings are finite and Allah who has vast powers. By praying then that shows our weakness to Allah for help.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


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Under this article may be be learned. The original author is Jamil Azzaini, with the title of his "Delay"

One of the habits of people who did not develop even the quality of life tends to decrease the delay. Why? Because, the delay will increase the stress and stressful last a long time in one's life. Delay also makes you often look back and think about the works of the past that should have been completed.

To achieve the best life, you have to consistently reduce the distance of your current life with the dreams that you want to make happen. You should not be preoccupied with the past activities that should you have finished. Therefore, delaying the work should not become a habit.

I never regretted delaying my visit a sick friend. When I came home from Surabaya. From the airport I had intended to go directly to the hospital we hope. In the hospital that treated my friend Abdul Jabbar. But when the gate was about to enter the hospital, suddenly crossed my mind, "Ah, it is still too early, I just come here this afternoon."

My intention and ask the driver for the tape drive to SindoFM. After recording on the radio that my young professionals planning to return to the hospital. Recording began in SindoFM. My HP silent. After I open the HP tape and there was an SMS telling me that my friend Abdul Jabbar died a few minutes ago.

Delaying a few minutes had made me so sorry. Abdul Jabbar is not just a friend, he is also one of my best assistants. He was a back-up all my operational work. Abdul Jabbar is now gone, but regret that there is still inside me.

I also meet people who are sorry for delayed marriage. He regretted his retirement no one in college. When children need a great cost and effort he has worn out already weakened.

My friend in college had not completed the first IPB lecture only delay the proposal for the research title. Five years of college that he lived with an effort not to make his parents proud. His parents want their children to the title of Agricultural Engineers, but he failed to get that title.

Never put off to please your parents. Never put off to complete your tasks. Never put off when the Almighty calls you to go to his house. Never put off to do good. You should only be used to delay when opening the door for the devil you do immoral ..