Tuesday, February 28, 2012

When your Action Idea Emerges

By jamilazzaini

I often meet people who complain, "No ya got an idea, a dead end!" You have that? If you start to feel like it, seek a new friend. Or read books, take seminars or training selected. Another Alternaif, doing new activities are positive. You currently need a new atmosphere and environment.
While for those who want to plunge the business and worry do not have business development ideas, my advice is, start doing business the business idea will appear endless. This is consistent with research that 43% of people got the idea after he plunged to his same job. Once you jump, the things that initially does not appear to be visible. Things that had been far end approached.
I am confident with it because I experienced it. Once I jump in the world through PT Kubik Kreasisisilain training, ideas related to training emerged. To give birth to trainers are great and willing to inspire Indonesia, I started a container that is Indonesia Inspiring Movement (I2Move). Through this forum, I Want to Be Trainers develop programs, training aimed at making people dare to appear in public, and systematic presentation of material impression on the audience.
In addition, there Bootcamp & Contest Trainer program, special training for trainers who want to improve training delivery significantly. Alhamdulillah its alumni have proven to grow rapidly and ordernyapun increased. Specifically for those who want to learn intensively, I have a Personal Coach program.
Not stop in the real world, any other ideas to optimize the trainer in the virtual world also appear. In collaboration with Ali Akbar mas (@ pakarseo) I developed TrainerLaris.com. Anyone who wants to fully optimized in the virtual world, please join. You'll get lots of benefits and the inspiration to join it.
Not only that, all things related to training is also finally approaching. For example, I was compelled to write a book. Due to a trainer's book is one of the capital to continue to grow and develop. Sayapun eventually even become addicted to writing on this website every day.
The idea that something is moving and dynamic. So if you want to capture the idea that, you also have to move. Plunge. Do not just wait. Have a specific activity or business.
It was as if you have a specific bank ATM, you will know where the location of bank ATM's around you. But if you do not have any particular bank's ATM, then you also do not know very much where the bank's ATM. Or business activities that we have is like an ATM, he'll make you seek out a variety of ideas and opportunities that are around you. Then the action was and ideas and other opportunities will emerge.
Do not believe? Try it first dong.
SuksesMulia Greetings!

When your Action Idea Emerges

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