Saturday, October 1, 2011

Risk Purchasing Drugs Online

Online shopping (online shopping) has become a trend in recent years. Online shopping is very practical, usually also with competitive prices. People began turning to the internet to find recipes to buy certain drugs.

Survey shows more people want to shop online manner. With this trend will cause concern to many sites that sell illegal drugs.

Although sellers look professional and trustworthy, but most of these sites are illegal and mostly from abroad. So that consumers can not know exactly which drugs they buy from the site.

As quoted from the ABC Health & Wellbeing, Sunday (02/10/2011), Karen Kaye, deputy CEO of the NPS (National prescribing Service) warned about the possible risk of purchasing drugs online, among others:
1. The drug has been contaminated
2. Counterfeit drugs
3. Expired Drugs
4. Not approved for sale in consumer countries
5. Not produced according to standard
6. Not labeled
7. Improperly stored or shipped correctly

Not only a waste of money when the drugs are purchased damaged or counterfeit. Buyers also may be unlawful because the drugs are sold illegally.

But worse than all that, buying drugs from sites that are not trusted can be harmful to health. Although consumers have heard warnings about buying drugs from sites that are not reliable, but often consumers are still buying drugs online.

Dr. Geraldine Moses, a clinical pharmacist at the National NPS Adverse Medicines Events Line for 10 years, says a person can experience a seizure while taking antidepressant medications are counterfeit.

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 10 percent of medicines are available in developed countries is counterfeit drugs. Both the generic drugs or patent medicines can be faked, but very difficult to distinguish from the original because it has a very similar packaging.

And the drug may contain the wrong active ingredient, no active ingredient, too much, or too little active ingredient and contain toxic or other hazardous materials.

Although not yet a serious problem in some countries, eg Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration has received 146 reports involving counterfeit medical products in the last 12 months.

Most of these drugs from Internet sites that are sold overseas are weight loss drugs, drugs for hair grower and for erectile dysfunction are purchased in small quantities for personal use.

Not only fake drugs that will cause problems. For example there is a woman who experienced problems after taking thyroid medication weight loss product that is recognized as a medicinal herb. However, the drug has been found to contain thyroid hormone.

The motive of consumers who buy drugs from certain sites in order to buy medicine without consulting your doctor. In fact all drugs can potentially cause adverse side effects or interact with other drugs.

With easy availability of online health informsi, may cause some people to diagnose themselves and try to treat yourself. While doctors can recommend the most suitable drugs for conditions they experience, how to eat safely, and can even recommend a reputable online pharmacies.

If you really want to buy drugs online should consider any information as possible and certainly must consider whether the legal legally. Drugs purchased from foreign sites, not necessarily licensed or approved in consumer countries.

Consider the reputation of the site can be considered a drug seller, among others:

1. Beware of sites that sell drugs without a prescription
2. Does the site have a licensed pharmacist available to answer questions
3. Does the site protect customer personal information including credit card details and medical history
4. Naturally these sites do not offer a miracle cure or a guarantee of kesebuhan. If the guarantee of healing, the site is actually suspicious.
5. Do not send unsolicited email

Risk Purchasing Drugs Online

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