Sunday, October 2, 2011

Despite Have Down Syndrome Child, Family Feeling Happy

Having a child with Down syndrome or Down syndrome is not an easy thing to take care of him. Even so, families claimed more people with Down Syndrome Down Syndrome kids are happy because it is rich in experience.

The survey, conducted by Dr. Brian Skotko of Children's Hospital Boston showed a remarkable thing. How do people with Down Syndrome families do not feel inferior, frustrated or scared but very happy.

The reason has Down's Syndrome child makes a family have to improve the quality of life by teaching patience, acceptance and flexibility. Down's Syndrome child has made her family stronger.

As reported by HealthDay, Sunday (02/10/2011), survey results showed:
1. As many as 96 percent of parents of people with Down syndrome did not express regret having a child with Down syndrome.

2. Nearly eight in 10 parents said that it was his son's illness has improved their quality of life by teaching patience, acceptance, and flexibility.

3. Not only parents, siblings they also have the same feelings. 94 percent of whom say they feel proud of their brother who has Down syndrome.

4. As many as 88 percent of whom said that their brother who has Down syndrome that has made them become better people.
5. And almost all people with Down syndrome said they were delighted with her current life and love their state.

This survey will be published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics in October 2011 issue.

"The voices we hear are very satisfied and very positive about their lives despite the fact that they have a real challenge," said Dr. Skotko.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs in the 21 st chromosome. This disorder affects the physical growth and mental retardation. Physical attributes seem odd as a relatively short height, smaller head, sharp nose does not resemble the Mongoloid people often also known as mongolism.

Children with Down Syndrome are born with three rather than two copies of chromosome 21. Children with Down Syndrome have varying cognitive abilities, which are very severe the child usually can not perform daily activities without help from others.

Children with Down Syndrome have an increased risk for heart defects, respiratory and hearing problems, Alzheimer's disease, leukemia and thyroid conditions. But this condition can now be treated, thus increasing the life expectancy of people with Down Syndrome.

Pregnant women who have had a child with down syndrome or those who are pregnant at the age of 40 years known to be more susceptible to bear children with Down syndrome. This syndrome can not be prevented because it is a disorder caused by abnormalities of chromosome number. The cause is still not known for sure until today.

Inspection for Down syndrome before birth are now widely available. Pregnancy test for Down syndrome now much cause these mothers then an abortion, and only about 2 percent of women who really want to undergo the test.

We have already found a blood test that will be marketed to know these abnormalities early and Skotko want to make sure that parents who are grappling with these difficult decisions have good information.

"After the people have the opportunity to undergo a simple blood test before giving birth, people will be able to better make decisions about her pregnancy. However, whether the infants with Down syndrome would then slowly begin to disappear? People with Down syndrome should be able to explain how it means to have the condition, "explains Dr. Skotko.

Dr. Skotko claimed to have 32-year-old sibling with Down syndrome. "He has an active social life and strong, more than I ever have," the story Skotko.

While Louis Sciuto, 22, a person with Down syndrome said that he had just gotten a job and also has an active social life. He likes to watch the latest movies, play sports and go with her friends.

His mother, Louise Borke, told parents who may have children with Down syndrome, "I'll tell them not to be afraid. It's different, but not bad. The parents of friends of Louis told me that they believe the children they become the better person for having known Louis. "

Louise Borke learned that her son had Down syndrome when the baby was a few days old. At that time, he felt shocked, shocked, afraid and anxious.

But after 22 years later, Borke live with his son and said, "I do not deny that it is a challenge. But it was fun, and I do not regret it".

Despite Have Down Syndrome Child, Family Feeling Happy

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