Wednesday, October 5, 2011

5 Steps To Quickly Out There Monthly

Many people complained about how much the cost of his life. Because of their spending is too big, not until the middle of the month, the salary is low and had to borrow money from friends and family. Blaming a small salary is not the solution. How to adjust spending to revenues, that is what must be observed.

Bettina Drew, author of the California lifestyle ehowmoney present to the site, that set the income / salary that does not quickly run out before his time is very simple. Like money in the envelope separates different, you can control your finances well, and even save more.

All you need to do is set your budget back. Budgeting (process set the budget) should be conditioned to avoid the hassle of money out of money even culminate into debt. Here are five things that can be a guide:

1. Budgeting
Budgeting should begin with personal financial data; ranging from savings, salaries, until routine and sudden expenses. If you are not convinced of the nominal to be determined, there is way more simple. Gather all the receipts, and proof of transactions a month or two months. From this data, can be observed what the expenses daily, weekly, to monthly. Separate them according to level of need, ranging from primary, secondary to tertiary. This technique will also show whether you type in spending money.

2. Routine bills
Other techniques to simplify the management of salaries is by enrolling in automatic debit service to the bank. Monthly bills such as water, electricity, telephone, until the insurance can be direct salaries paid before you spend for other purposes. Similar to prioritize the list of bills to pay directly once you receive a salary. Separate routine expenses such as fees, costs of gasoline and forth in a separate envelope calculations according to last month. Thus, the salary was allocated to the urgent nature.

3. Credit card
The use of credit cards proved to be a major factor that interferes with budgeting plan that has been made. With so many promos and convenience, people tend to use credit cards to pay. Simpelnya, just leave credit cards at home if you are aware that the hobby swipe the plastic card. Change priority of credit card use for purposes that are sudden, such as hospitals.

4. Pruning
After looking at your expenses, think back to what can be pruned because it is not too important. For example, if you rarely have at home, might be able to stop the cable TV subscription. Or if you are accustomed to eating in restaurants, can begin to regularly eat at home. Trimming unnecessary extra expense, it will give you more money to pay bills or saving an extra key.

5. Set aside money
Other techniques to have the extra money in addition to cut unnecessary purpose is to set aside money for unexpected purposes. This includes the home, food, transportation, to health.

Suppose a month you spend $ 1 million for food, put the nominal USD 1.5 million in the budget. Thus you have the rest of the budget of $ 500 thousand if there are unexpected needs such as serving food to guests who come to the house. When not in use, you can allocate it to other unexpected things such as vehicle servicing or repair a leaky roof. Such expenditures will feel lighter if you are already preparing themselves from the distant days.

5 Steps To Quickly Out There Monthly

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Recognize Characteristics formalin Food

Formalin product will slowly kill consumers. Moreover, most of the food is easily found and can be widely consumed. Therefore, it is better to recognize characteristic formalin food early on.

Formalin food is not broken a few days and texture is so thick. In addition, no flies. In fish, the color is not bright. The color is too red or red gills are not fair.

A fish storage warehouses in Muara Baru, North Jakarta, police raided Air Polda Metro Jaya, yesterday. At least 150 tons of various types of fish that had just imported from China and Pakistan were seized, because it allegedly contain formalin.

Until now police have yet to set a single person became a suspect because it is still pending further investigation

Recognize Characteristics formalin Food

Monday, October 3, 2011

Choosing a Cosmetic Tips for Oily Skin

Choosing a Cosmetic Tips for Oily Skin
Oily skin is more susceptible problematic than normal or dry skin types. If not treated properly, facial complexion will look very oily, dull and cause pimples and blackheads.

To care for oily skin, choose products that suit your skin type. Choose a product make-up and facial treatments are not only labeled "oil-free 'but also' non-comedogenic '.

Quoted from styletips 101, following the other tips in choosing a cosmetic for oily skin.

Today many products that claim to reduce excess oil, but the effect, the skin's natural moisture it loses. The surface is dry it triggers the production of more oil so the skin will be more oily a few moments after cleansing.

Choose the formula does not make the skin soft and dry. If the face prone skin, use a cleanser that contains salicylic acid. Do not forget to always apply a moisturizer afterwards.

face Moisturizer
Choose a light-textured moisturizer that 'oil-free' and 'non-comedogenic'. Moisturizing lotion is usually more suitable for oily skin than cream. Water-based moisturizer such as the gel is also suitable for treating oily skin.

To sunblock, do not choose too high SPF. The higher the SPF, the more oil will be contained. Just use a sunscreen cream with an SPF of at maximum height of 30.

Mineral make-up suitable for oily skin. Apart from the unlikely irritation, mineral make-up also does not cause blackheads.

Choose a liquid foundation and powder for makeup. Avoid two-way cake powder because it can clog pores and make skin more oily. Blush powder form is also suitable for oily skin than other types of cream.

Choosing a Cosmetic Tips for Oily Skin

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Despite Have Down Syndrome Child, Family Feeling Happy

Having a child with Down syndrome or Down syndrome is not an easy thing to take care of him. Even so, families claimed more people with Down Syndrome Down Syndrome kids are happy because it is rich in experience.

The survey, conducted by Dr. Brian Skotko of Children's Hospital Boston showed a remarkable thing. How do people with Down Syndrome families do not feel inferior, frustrated or scared but very happy.

The reason has Down's Syndrome child makes a family have to improve the quality of life by teaching patience, acceptance and flexibility. Down's Syndrome child has made her family stronger.

As reported by HealthDay, Sunday (02/10/2011), survey results showed:
1. As many as 96 percent of parents of people with Down syndrome did not express regret having a child with Down syndrome.

2. Nearly eight in 10 parents said that it was his son's illness has improved their quality of life by teaching patience, acceptance, and flexibility.

3. Not only parents, siblings they also have the same feelings. 94 percent of whom say they feel proud of their brother who has Down syndrome.

4. As many as 88 percent of whom said that their brother who has Down syndrome that has made them become better people.
5. And almost all people with Down syndrome said they were delighted with her current life and love their state.

This survey will be published in the American Journal of Medical Genetics in October 2011 issue.

"The voices we hear are very satisfied and very positive about their lives despite the fact that they have a real challenge," said Dr. Skotko.

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that occurs in the 21 st chromosome. This disorder affects the physical growth and mental retardation. Physical attributes seem odd as a relatively short height, smaller head, sharp nose does not resemble the Mongoloid people often also known as mongolism.

Children with Down Syndrome are born with three rather than two copies of chromosome 21. Children with Down Syndrome have varying cognitive abilities, which are very severe the child usually can not perform daily activities without help from others.

Children with Down Syndrome have an increased risk for heart defects, respiratory and hearing problems, Alzheimer's disease, leukemia and thyroid conditions. But this condition can now be treated, thus increasing the life expectancy of people with Down Syndrome.

Pregnant women who have had a child with down syndrome or those who are pregnant at the age of 40 years known to be more susceptible to bear children with Down syndrome. This syndrome can not be prevented because it is a disorder caused by abnormalities of chromosome number. The cause is still not known for sure until today.

Inspection for Down syndrome before birth are now widely available. Pregnancy test for Down syndrome now much cause these mothers then an abortion, and only about 2 percent of women who really want to undergo the test.

We have already found a blood test that will be marketed to know these abnormalities early and Skotko want to make sure that parents who are grappling with these difficult decisions have good information.

"After the people have the opportunity to undergo a simple blood test before giving birth, people will be able to better make decisions about her pregnancy. However, whether the infants with Down syndrome would then slowly begin to disappear? People with Down syndrome should be able to explain how it means to have the condition, "explains Dr. Skotko.

Dr. Skotko claimed to have 32-year-old sibling with Down syndrome. "He has an active social life and strong, more than I ever have," the story Skotko.

While Louis Sciuto, 22, a person with Down syndrome said that he had just gotten a job and also has an active social life. He likes to watch the latest movies, play sports and go with her friends.

His mother, Louise Borke, told parents who may have children with Down syndrome, "I'll tell them not to be afraid. It's different, but not bad. The parents of friends of Louis told me that they believe the children they become the better person for having known Louis. "

Louise Borke learned that her son had Down syndrome when the baby was a few days old. At that time, he felt shocked, shocked, afraid and anxious.

But after 22 years later, Borke live with his son and said, "I do not deny that it is a challenge. But it was fun, and I do not regret it".

Despite Have Down Syndrome Child, Family Feeling Happy

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Risk Purchasing Drugs Online

Online shopping (online shopping) has become a trend in recent years. Online shopping is very practical, usually also with competitive prices. People began turning to the internet to find recipes to buy certain drugs.

Survey shows more people want to shop online manner. With this trend will cause concern to many sites that sell illegal drugs.

Although sellers look professional and trustworthy, but most of these sites are illegal and mostly from abroad. So that consumers can not know exactly which drugs they buy from the site.

As quoted from the ABC Health & Wellbeing, Sunday (02/10/2011), Karen Kaye, deputy CEO of the NPS (National prescribing Service) warned about the possible risk of purchasing drugs online, among others:
1. The drug has been contaminated
2. Counterfeit drugs
3. Expired Drugs
4. Not approved for sale in consumer countries
5. Not produced according to standard
6. Not labeled
7. Improperly stored or shipped correctly

Not only a waste of money when the drugs are purchased damaged or counterfeit. Buyers also may be unlawful because the drugs are sold illegally.

But worse than all that, buying drugs from sites that are not trusted can be harmful to health. Although consumers have heard warnings about buying drugs from sites that are not reliable, but often consumers are still buying drugs online.

Dr. Geraldine Moses, a clinical pharmacist at the National NPS Adverse Medicines Events Line for 10 years, says a person can experience a seizure while taking antidepressant medications are counterfeit.

World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 10 percent of medicines are available in developed countries is counterfeit drugs. Both the generic drugs or patent medicines can be faked, but very difficult to distinguish from the original because it has a very similar packaging.

And the drug may contain the wrong active ingredient, no active ingredient, too much, or too little active ingredient and contain toxic or other hazardous materials.

Although not yet a serious problem in some countries, eg Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration has received 146 reports involving counterfeit medical products in the last 12 months.

Most of these drugs from Internet sites that are sold overseas are weight loss drugs, drugs for hair grower and for erectile dysfunction are purchased in small quantities for personal use.

Not only fake drugs that will cause problems. For example there is a woman who experienced problems after taking thyroid medication weight loss product that is recognized as a medicinal herb. However, the drug has been found to contain thyroid hormone.

The motive of consumers who buy drugs from certain sites in order to buy medicine without consulting your doctor. In fact all drugs can potentially cause adverse side effects or interact with other drugs.

With easy availability of online health informsi, may cause some people to diagnose themselves and try to treat yourself. While doctors can recommend the most suitable drugs for conditions they experience, how to eat safely, and can even recommend a reputable online pharmacies.

If you really want to buy drugs online should consider any information as possible and certainly must consider whether the legal legally. Drugs purchased from foreign sites, not necessarily licensed or approved in consumer countries.

Consider the reputation of the site can be considered a drug seller, among others:

1. Beware of sites that sell drugs without a prescription
2. Does the site have a licensed pharmacist available to answer questions
3. Does the site protect customer personal information including credit card details and medical history
4. Naturally these sites do not offer a miracle cure or a guarantee of kesebuhan. If the guarantee of healing, the site is actually suspicious.
5. Do not send unsolicited email

Risk Purchasing Drugs Online